Friday, 28 December 2012

New Hair Year Resolution: Where Yo' Hair At??

End of 2012 shot of my hair...
Hello there readers!

Before I begin, I'd like to thank you for reading this here ole' blog. I hope you enjoy this post- whatever it ends up being x

I'm beginning to become obsessed with my hair. Wait, beginning? I've always been obsessed with hair but I think my obsession is borderline unhealthy. Actually, tell a lie, I've always been obsessed with hair, but now I'm obsessed with my hair. So this feeling of supreme flyness is new to me. I mean it's like when you get a new shiny piece of jewellery (like the necklace my awesome sister got me for Christmas), you look at it all the time, catch glimpses of it in the mirror, that kinda thing. That's normal right? It's normal for me to constantly look at pictures of my hair and sing "Oh my hair, Why you so fly? Why you so fly? Like a birdie in the sky..." true story lol.

My two year old stash lol
Anyways, I think a benefit of this obsession is I always know where my hair is at. As in "Where yo' hair at?" (because people actually go round asking people that ¬¬ ) And right now my hair is in an ok place, a good place, but it could be better. So this new hair year ima be working on aesthetics but more importantly- how it feels. Cue D'Angelo: "How does it feeeeel?" See I have two main textures on my head one is super curly/coily and rough and the other is mega curly/coily and super rough. The first texture is currently kinda under control with the new changes in my kinda regimen but the second texture is rebelling. It needs a firmer hand. In an effort to up my game without spending a gajillion pounds, I'm going to be revisiting ayurvedic powders.

back in '10 when my ayurveda game was on point
I used to use them back in '10 when I first started my hair journey. And my hair always looked really vibrant so I'm curious to see what they'll do to my hair now that I'm on top of my hair care practices. Plus I've got a two year old box of powders that needs to be used up because I hate wasting things I spent money on.

So yeah, here's hoping this new addition to my kinda regimen makes a difference to my hair. I'll keep you updated.

What about you? Any plans to change up your regimens? Have any of you tried ayurvedic powders? In others words: Where yo' hair at? hehe ok, I'll stop.

Rella x

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