Friday, 19 September 2014

Musings: Fro-age, Fro-ness and Fro-ability

Instagram: @naturalinlondon


My fro is getting big... I've got some serious fro-age going on. I'm fro-ness galore over in these here hair streets lol. You know it's funny because after what felt like set back 3000 and 1, I was so despondent. I was disheartened, discouraged, and a whole host of other dis-emotions. If the word was prefixed with dis-, best believe I felt it. It seemed like after my hair fell out, it would never recover and I was the most tempted I've ever been to just cut it all off and start again. But thank God I didn't.

I'm so grateful that I never make rash decisions. Seriously, never. About anything. Sometimes I get a strong urge to shop, like proper SPLURGE. I go to the website of my usual clothing stores, fill my baskets with everything I want and then once I'm done, I think about it. For like three days. LOL. Over that time that basket gets whittled down to a fraction of what it was, and then I pay. That's the kind of person that I am. So when I was all in my feelings last year about the hair loss and cutting was looking like a real good option and the urge was strong, you know what I did? I thought about it for three days. Over that time that huge urge was whittled down and the reality of my hair situation became much clearer: cutting won't make my hair grow back faster, it will just make me feel more in control. But that sense of control will only last for like a minute, and then afterwards, I'm just left with shorter hair.

So I'm happy that I never cut off my hair, because now I get to enjoy all of this fro-ability lol.

Hope this post finds you well.

Rella x

Monday, 15 September 2014

YouTube| 21 Facts About Me Tag

Hey guys,

So I did the 21 Facts about me tag. Here's the video! And keep an eye out for part 2 of the Business In The Back series which will be posted later today!


Friday, 12 September 2014

YouTube Update

Hey Guys,

I've been really bad at posting my YouTube videos here and keeping you all updated so here's what's happened since.

1. The Ten Ways To Wear A Bun series finished last Monday.
2. I started a new series on YouTube called Business In The Back which focuses on hairstyles where the front is subdued and the back is the focal point.
3. To celebrate reaching 100 subscribers last Friday, I decided to upload three videos this week as opposed to my usual one. The first being part one of the BITB series, the second being a video about why I suck at YouTube comments and the third will be uploaded on the weekend.

Ok that's everything, here are the videos!